Don Fashioned

A minimalist, rum-based twist on the classic Old Fashioned with Don Papa Rum and an extra citrusy zing.

An old fashioned rum cocktail with an orange peel garnish sitting inside the drink sitting next to a bottle of Don Papa Rum.


  • 60ml

    Don Papa 7yo

  • 1

    Dash of Angostura bitters

  • 1

    Dash of orange bitters

  • 1

    Dash of citrus bitters

  • 5ml

    Citrus syrup*

  • 500g

    Demerara sugar

  • 500ml

    Filtered water

  • 10g


  • 10g

    Lemon zest

  • 1

    Orange coin for garnish

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Tumbler (glass)

  • 1

    Mixing glass

  • 1

    Measuring jigger

  • 1

    Mixing spoon

  • 1

    Ice scoop

  • 1

    Mixing bowl

  • 1

    Coffee filter

  • 1




    1. To create the citrus syrup, add demerara sugar and filtered water to a mixing bowl, stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved.
    2. Add lemongrass and lemon zest to the sugar-water mixture, making sure they are well-mixed.
    3. Transfer the liquid to a container with a lid and refrigerate overnight to allow the flavors to infuse.
    4. The following day, strain the citrus syrup through a coffee filter to remove any solid particles and achieve a smooth consistency.
    5. Once your citrus syrup is ready, pour 5ml of this and the rest of the ingredients in a mixing glass apart from the garnish.
    6. Add ice and stir until chilled. 
    7. Pour into a tumbler glass over ice. 
    8. To give the cocktail an orange aroma, spray oils from the orange zest on top of the cocktail.
    9. Finally, to garnish your Don Fashioned, cut an orange coin and place it in.

    Alcohol content: 29.82g