
One of the most popular tequila-based cocktail recipes in Mexico, the Paloma is Spanish for dove.



  • 50ml

    Don Julio Blanco

  • 30ml

    Fresh Grapefruit Juice

  • 30ml

    Fresh Lime Juice

  • 15ml

    Sugar Syrup

  • 100ml

    Soda Water

  • 1

    Lime Wheel and Salt (Garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    High Glass

  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1


  • 1

    Mixing Glass

  • 1

    Julep Strainer

  • 1

    Bar Spoon

  • 1




  • Preparation
    1. Moisten the Rim of Highball Glass with a Slice of Lime.
    2. Dip the Rim into a Plate of Salt and Shake off Excess.
    3. Fill Glass with Ice and add Tequila, Juices, Syrup measured in Jigger. Stir well.
    4. Top with Soda Water and Stir Lightly.
    5.  Garnish with a Lime Wheel and Serve.
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content

    15.2g per serve

Interesting facts

The Paloma is the national drink of Mexico. The name "Paloma" means "dove" in Spanish.

History of the drink

The Paloma is a popular cocktail that has been enjoyed by cocktail enthusiasts for many years. While its exact origins are unknown, it is believed to have originated in Mexico around the 1950s. The drink is typically made with tequila, grapefruit soda, and lime juice, and is often garnished with a wedge of lime. While the creator of the Paloma is unknown, some people credit Don Javier Delgado Corona with its creation. Corona is best known for creating another popular Mexican cocktail called the Batanga, which is made with tequila, lime, and cola. While there is no definitive evidence to support Corona's connection to the Paloma, his reputation as a talented bartender has led many to believe that he may have had a hand in creating the drink. The Paloma's popularity has continued to grow over the years, and it is now widely recognised as one of the most popular tequila-based cocktails in the world. Its simple yet delicious recipe and refreshing flavor make it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts and tequila lovers alike. The cocktail can be enjoyed at any time of day or night and is perfect for both casual and formal occasions.