
A fizzy passionfruit delight with a zesty finish, crafted with a perfect blend of Pampero Rum, prosecco, lime and passionfruit syrup.

A light orange cocktail with a large format ice cube and a turquoise sugar leaf garnish sitting on a wooden board with a green plant placed next to it.


  • 40ml


  • 15ml

    Passionfruit syrup

  • 10ml

    Fino sherry

  • 20ml

    Fresh lime juice

  • 100ml

    Prosecco Brut

  • 10ml

    Isomalt sugar (garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Old Fashioned tumbler

  • 1

    Tin on Tin Boston Shaker

  • 1

    Measuring jigger

  • 1

    Hawthorne strainer

  • 1

    Ice scoop

  • 1


  • 1

    Leaf mould for garnish



    1. Start by creating the Isomalt sugar leaf by heating it in a pot or pan until it melts. 
    2. Add a few dashes of turquoise food colouring and stir.
    3. Once all the sugar is coloured, pour it into leaf mould and set it aside to dry – this is your garnish.
    4. Next, hold one Boston tin in each hand. 
    5. Pour all of the ingredients as listed, apart from the garnish, into the small half of the tin and fill the half of the big tin with ice. Put a Hawthorne strainer inside to keep the ice in place.
    6. Hold the smaller shaker at eye level or higher, with the other shaker directly below, pouring from the top tin to the bottom tin and lowering the smaller tin to catch the stream as you pour. Keep your eye on the tin you are lowering, not the stream. 
    7. Repeat three or four times to combine and aerate the liquid. 
    8. Pour the cocktail into an Old-Fashioned tumbler glass over ice.

    Alcohol content: 23.38g