Tanqueray Dry Martini

The classic Dry Martini, made with the bartender's favorite gin, Tanqueray.

Tanqueray Dry Martini


  • 1.5oz

    Tanqueray London Dry Gin

  • 0.25oz

    Dry Vermouth

  • 1

    Green Olive (Garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Martini Glass

  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1


  • 1

    Mixing Glass

  • 1

    Julep Strainer

  • 1

    Bar Spoon

  • 1




  • Preparation
    1. Stir all ingredients in an ice-filled Mixing glass.
    2. Strain into a chilled Martini or Coupe glass.
    3. Garnish with a Green Olive and serve.

    Alcohol content: 11.7g per serve

Interesting facts

There are many different ways to make a Martini, and no one "correct" recipe. The most popular variations of the Martini include the Dry Martini (made with Dry Vermouth), the Wet Martini (made with a greater proportion of Dry Vermouth), and the Dirty Martini (made with olive brine).

History of the drink

The Martini is a classic cocktail that has been around for over 150 years. It was originally made with gin and vermouth and was served straight up with a twist of lemon. The Martini became popular in the United States during the Prohibition era when gin was the most popular spirit.