Learning Skills for Life™

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Get free access to hospitality skills and resources, making you the perfect candidate for a job in the hospitality industry.

Waiter Serving Water

New LS4L content is here..

We have updated our Learning Skills for Life content. Use the below link to check out the new course.


Learning Skills for Life™ is Diageo’s business and hospitality skills program for those seeking employment in the hospitality industry, but who may have faced barriers to education and employment in their lives

It provides equal access to business and hospitality skills and resources to increase participants’ employability, improve livelihoods and support a thriving hospitality sector that works for all. In partnership with local educational, governmental and training organizations, Learning Skills for Life™ supports the growth of the individuals involved, of Diageo, and the hospitality industry overall. Learning Skills for Life™ started in Latin America in 2008 and has since grown to the US, Europe, Africa and Asia. To date we have trained over 200,00 students through our training programs. Now, we hope to support even more people through this online training offering.


  • Hospitality Training: Access comprehensive business and hospitality skills that will make you the ideal candidate for any role in the industry.
  • Equal Opportunity: We break down barriers, offering everyone a fair shot at success in hospitality, regardless of their background.
  • Career Boost: Improve your employability, enhance your livelihood, and contribute to a thriving hospitality sector.
  • Tailored Content at your Fingertips: Access fresh, relevant and interactive learning content covering topics including core bar skills, serving with confidence, communication, wellbeing and teamwork.
  • Global Reach: With a presence in Latin America, the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia, we've already empowered over 200,000 students. Now, it's your turn.