Bottle of Seedlip Spice 94 on table beside cocktail

Our Brands: Seedlip Spice 94

An aromatic blend of warm spices and citrusy top notes, find out more about Seedlip Spice 94, a non-alcoholic spirit.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Bottle of Seedlip Spice 94 on table beside cocktail


Seedlip Spice 94, a non-alcoholic spirit, is an aromatic blend of warm spices and citrusy notes of lemon and grapefruit peel, balanced out with a long bitter finish from the highest quality oak and cascarilla bark.

It’s perfect in Seedlip’s signature cocktails the NoGroni and the Espresso Martino.

94: Refers to 1494, when European explorers introduced Jamaican all spice berries to Europe.

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