Johnnie Walker & Soda with Toasted Rosemary

Johnnie Walker Black Label is an exquisite combination of Scotland's rarest and most exceptional whiskies. Here we combine Johnnie Walker Black Label's creamy toffee, sweet fruity spice and warming smoky finish with effervescent soda water and finish with toasted fresh rosemary for the ultimate expression of a whisky & soda.

Johnnie Walker Black Label on the Rocks


  • 50ml

    Johnnie Walker Black Label

  • 100ml

    chilled soda water

  • 1

    Sprig of toasted rosemary

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    highball glass



  • Method
    1. Add all to a highball glass full of cubed ice
    2. Garnish with a sprig of toasted rosemary.
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content

    15.8g of alcohol per serve