
Vodka Smirnoff with orange juice and ice.



  • 50ml

    Smirnoff No. 21

  • 120ml

    Fresh Orange Juice

  • 1

    Orange Slice (Garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Highball Glass

  • 1


  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1

    Bar Spoon

  • 1




  • Preparation
    1. Build in a Highball Glass over Ice.
    2. Stir gently to combine.
    3. Garnish with an Orange Slice.
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content

    15 g per serve

Interesting facts

The Screwdriver is one of the few cocktails that can be made with either vodka or whisky. The most popular way to make a Screwdriver is with vodka, but whisky can be used too.

History of the drink

The Screwdriver is one of the most popular mixed drinks in the world and it has a very simple history. It's believed that the drink was created sometime in the 1920s, although there's no evidence of this. The most likely story is that the drink was invented by American oil workers in the Middle East who would add a shot of vodka to their orange juice to help them get through the day.