Smirnoff Mule

Discover this exclusive recipe with Smirnoff.

Smirnoff Moscow Mule Cocktail in red tin mug with ginger foam.


  • 50ml

    Smirnoff Vodka

  • 20ml

    Tahiti Lemon Juice

  • 10ml

    Sugar Syrup 1:1

  • 100ml

    Sparkling water

  • 1

    Ginger foam (see method below)

  • 0.5

    Tahitian lemon slice

  • 1

    Mint sprig

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Copper mug

  • 1


  • 1

    Ice scoop



  • Method
    1. In a Smirnoff Moscow Mule mug with ice, serve 50 ml of Smirnoff Vodka.
    2. Add 20 ml of fresh Tahiti lemon juice.
    3. Also add 10 ml of sugar syrup in a 1:1 ratio.
    4. Fill the mug with sparkling water and stir lightly to mix the ingredients.
    5. Serve the ginger foam.
    6. Garnish with ½ slice of Tahiti lime and a sprig of mint. 

    Ginger foam


    • 75ml filtered water  
    • 75ml strained Tahiti lemon juice 
    • 300ml ginger syrup 
    • 1 teaspoon Stargel emulsifier 


    1. In a 500 ml siphon add 75ml of filtered water. 
    2. Add 75ml of fresh strained Tahiti lime juice.  
    3. Add 300 ml of ginger syrup.   
    4. Finally, add 1 teaspoon of emulsifier.  
    5. With the siphon closed, beat vigorously to make the mixture is fully combined.
    6. Inverted the siphon, insert the gas charge into the capsule holder and screw until the gas capsule is punctured.
    7. Shake for a few moments for the gas to interact with the preparation and your foam is ready to use!  
    8. After the first use, carefully remove the gas charge and use until the siphon is completely empty. 

      A tip! Always respect the capacity of your siphon and before closing, make sure the sealing ring is positioned correctly and then close your siphon. 
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content

    20g per serve.